Branding and Positioning

Creating the right brand which communicates effectively to your internal and external audiences is the first step in corporate branding for most companies. Whether you have an existing brand which you want to develop or integrate across all channels, or whether you require a new brand for a new product or service, having the right brand and market positioning should differentiate you in your sector. Whilst having a unique looking corporate logo is great, if you can simply replace the logo with one of your competitors and no one notice the difference, based on your content being the same as what everyone else has to say, you have not differentiated yourself enough!

Brand insights

Brand insights involves more than a subjective opinion about whether visually your brand looks right. Making sure your total brand experience sets you apart from your competitors and delivers profit for your business is key.

Purposeful positioning

In a competitive landscape, being memorable by creating a unique positioning proposition or brand ethos which clearly differentiates your brand from that of your competitors is paramount.

Total brand experience

Customers interact with brands through a number of online and offline touch-points to drive brand value through consistency and optimisation of every customer experience, especially in a digital world.


Our branding projects are about more than just a pretty looking corporate logo, (although we can do that as well!). What we are seeking to achieve is to create a position in the market which is uniquely yours. Whether it is from a messaging perspective, a personality, or a style, it needs to be uniquely identifiable as belonging to you. Even if your logo fell off the page (!), we still want people to recognise that it is your website and not that of your competitor. So knowing our customer very well is the first step to giving you the right branding and positioning in the market.

To find out how we can help you, why not Touch Base?

Our Branding Services Include:

Corporate BrandING:

Creating or developing your existing brand to match your business objectives.

Entrepreneur Branding:

Establishing an online brand presence to bring together your multiple business and philanthropic interests.

Differentiation & Positioning:

Helping you stand apart from your competitors to increase profitability.

Brand Integration:

Integrating your brand across all channels to enhance customer experience.